Annual Registration Fees
All registration fees are non-refundable and collected in March each year for the upcoming Summer and School year. The fee covers all class supplies as well.
$80 Infants & Afterschool
$160 Preschool (12 months & up) & Full Time VPK
$60 Summer Afterschool & Rising Kindergarteners
**There is a ONE TIME non-refundable Enrollment Fee of $75**
Monthly Tuition
Full Time
$805 (potty trained) ~ $855 (12 months/ in pull ups) ~ $895 (6 months - 1 year)
Part Time
Two Full Days $450/ $500*/ $510
Three Full Days $630/ $680*/ $720
Five mornings until 12:30 $540/ $590*/ $630
Three mornings until 12:30 $390/ $440*/ $480
Two days until 3PM $410/ $460*/ $470
Three days until 3PM $570/ $620*/ $660
Five days until 3PM $665/ $715*/ $835
(*additional charge for children not potty trained)
VPK (4 year old State Funded program)
Full Time $685*
Five days 8:30-11:30 only NO FEE
Lunch Bunch $5/ day (due by last day of month)
*(A $13/ day additional fee will be due on days that
VPK is not in session and your child is in attendance)
Before/ Afterschool Program
Afterschool $210/month (includes Before School care)
Before school $5/ day if NOT enrolled in our Afterschool program
Teacher Planning Day/ Holiday
Afterschool Enrolled $25.00/ day*
*If you sign up for a Teacher Planning day or Holiday and fail to come
you are still responsible for payment.
10% for multiple children
It is the preschool policy to make NO refunds on registration or tuition fees due to absences illness, vacations or any other reason. Parents are required to give thirty (30) days notice to the center if it becomes necessary to withdraw their child.
Tuition is due on the first of each month, payable by the fifth.
**Late fees for overdue accounts assessed at a rate of $20.00/week**
There is an annual increase in tuition**Prices effective as of 1/1/2019